Two men wrestle with a doomed relationship in this poignant and powerful short film made by students in the Young Filmmakers Workshop Intro Class. Written, Directed and Produced by Dani Cuellar, Annie Elisabeth, Trinity Goderstad and Sophia Hutchens.
A dark, creepy and effective movie exploring issues of consent and freedom. Produced in the Young Filmmakers Workshop Master Class by Fiona Bailey, Noah Brown, Cain, Duncan Lowery and Harper Yates.
A dead-on spoof of the 80's Cop Buddy movie. Produced in the Young Filmmakers Workshop Master Class by John Davies-Schley, Max Hanauer-Hunter, Rory Higson-Smith, Daniel Girtewn and Carver Gray.
A beautiful stop-action animation film made by first-time filmmakers. This film was granted entry into the National Film Festival for Talented Youth (NFFTY) in Seattle. From Fred's Films.
A surreal and touching film about female teen body image. This film was granted entry into the National Film Festival for Talented Youth (NFFTY) in Seattle. From Fred's Films.
A visual poem exploring a relationship. Produced in the Young Filmmakers Workshop Master Class by Nate Koch, Cole Franko, Elijah Geltman and Jordy Gertner.